25 January 2012


1. "Lady Gaga Flare Magazine December 2009." from Oct 2009, available at http://style.popcrunch.com/lady-gaga-flare-magazine-december-2009-cover-photo/

2. "Prada RTW F/A 2009, 2009, available at http://www.tanyaling.com/344/prada-rtw-fw-2009/ 

3. Accessed on October 15th, 2011 available at
5. Classroom via blackboard accessed on 15th October, 2011.
7. Website accessed four times, on 30/10/11, 02/11/11, 03/01/12 and 15/01/12. Available at

In comparison...To conlcude...

So after doing this assignment, I can say that my style of design and illustration has improved. The breaking down of illustrators images has really helped. I have to say I'm really surprised how inspired I have been by the two chosen illustrators. This project has enhanced by love for design.

Due to technical issues I am unable to display previous work to make a comparison for this project.

My favourite is Montana Forbes with her simple yet very cool style. She has a pop art style to her work like infamous illustrator Andy Warhol. I also found some of her images reminded me of celebrities which drew to them even more. I really enjoyed using Tanya Ling has she has very unusal style of work. But her many publications and recognition shows different is always good!


This is my final piece...finally!

18 January 2012

Inspirational images for final piece

These were the main influencing illustrations I used to create my final piece.



15 January 2012

My stylised illustration

After breaking down my chosen illsutrators Tanya Ling and Montana Forbes, I now have to put together an illustration of my own.

This is how I broke it down before beginning the illustration. I chose my favourite parts of illustrator and worked my own style into them.

* Frame and background colours of Tanya Ling.

* The shape of hair of the combined illustrators. The colouring was mostly influnced by Forbes but there was elements of Tanya Ling like the smudged/water-coloured parts.

* The figure and pose is from Montana Forbes.

* The eyes and lips from Montana Forbes. An added element of colour on top of the eye from some colouring of Ling.

* The limb colouring was inspired by Ling, water-colouring was used and it was very random and messy. This also reflects my style.

* The garment was a choice of my own. The writing on the garment was copied from Tanya Ling, yet the wording is very different. I used words that are included in my blog for added effect.